Hello everyone,
my apologies i had the new telegram groups set to private not public. You can now find them @ yellowtartariaaustralia on telegram.
I look forward to seeing you there so we have real time conversation potential.
Big Love Kel
Hello everyone,
my apologies i had the new telegram groups set to private not public. You can now find them @ yellowtartariaaustralia on telegram.
I look forward to seeing you there so we have real time conversation potential.
Big Love Kel
Hello All. Having trouble finding group on Telegram. Tried full pathway Telegram@ yelow... and also just yellow dots....Anyone got any tips as to the search pathway?
Hello everyone. I have set up telegram groups for each group so i can start speaking to you in real time about organising a meetup and or zoomathon in August for phase 2 of the Live Event.
Find your group on Telegram @ Yellow Tartaria Australia.
This is an experiment. I smile.
Hi Yellow dots,
I am in Northcote, near Westgarth Station.
Kelly, you asked if anyone would step upupup to organise a social event. I am happy to help.
Maybe we could start with something flexible like a Tartaria walk in the inner north?
We could choose a starting point, say Fitzroy or Collingwood for coffee to give people time to arrive, and then head off on our walk.
Just an idea. What does everyone think?
Thanks Kelly, atlhough I keep getting added to the Orange group. I don't live in Outer Melbourne, I live in the Northern Suburbs so in this group.....